Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Collision Avoidance System by Aerialtronics

Sense and avoid is key tool in the integration of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS).  Incorporating sensor technology on sUAS is incredibly challenging as the overall vehicle weight is typically less than 55 lbs.  Therefore, it is difficult to integrate an exteroceptive sensor that is capable of detecting, sensing, processing, reacting, and avoiding potential threats.  The power requirement and associated proprioceptive sensory equipment necessary to properly design a system most often requires larger vehicles with more capability.  Larger UAS have a larger electrical design infrastructure and can incorporate a variety of sensors to develop an overall sense and avoid solution.  Optical sensors, LiDAR, and Air-to-Air Radar Subsystems (AARSS) are all examples of sensory equipment used on large UAS. 

Aerialtronics has developed a new Collision Avoidance System (CAS) that utilizes a virtual sensor that can build a map of potential obstacles.  The Aerialtronics CAS will be capable of ultra-quick real-time scanning of the Altura multirotor surroundings and detecting obstacles within a predefined safe distance (sUAS News, 2014).  The Aerialtronics product is a plug and play solution that is easily installed in minutes.  This added feature decreases the risk of collision when inspecting telecommunication towers, utility poles and oil rigs, particularly in windy conditions.  Aerialtronics’ sense and avoid solution detects both static and moving objects up to 15 metres away and the four sensors mean the Altura Zenith can locate objects up to a 360° field of view (Aerialtronics, 2015). 

The Zenith with CAS installed relies on ultrasonic technology that determines distance from an object based on how long it takes for a released sound to return.  The operator can specify the safe distance by selecting different modes.  CAS will consist of several unique technologies including various types of state of the art obstacle detection sensors, advanced data fusion algorithms as well as tightly integrated collision avoidance algorithms with guidance, navigation and control system (sUAS News, 2014).  The sensor has two ultrasonic sensors mounted at the end of flexible shaft.  The shaft firmly screws into each end of the quadcopter.  A full 360 degree solution will have four shafts protruding from each arm of the quadcopter. 
Aerialtronics plans to take their sense and avoid solution one step further than onboard sensors.  By combining the data from the CAS system with the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), Aerialtronics will build a complete picture of the surroundings the vehicle is operating in.  This integration is an important step to combine ground based sensory with airborne sensory for a refined air picture.  By connecting ITS data to CAS, Altura systems will be capable of foreseeing danger and responding in a timelier manner, ultimately making airspace safer and more accessible (sUAS News, 2014).

sUAS integration into the NAS will require a sense and avoid solution that will bring confidence to the public in regards to safe and responsible operations.  The CAS solution proposed by Aerialtronics combined with ITS will create an air picture that allows the aircraft to operate seamlessly within a fluid environment.      

Aerialtronics (2015, February 2).  Aerialtronics Adds Sense and Avoid Technology to Zenith UAS.  Retrieved from

sUAS News (2014, September 2).   Aerialtronics Improves Safety by Incorporating Sense and Avoid.  Retrieved from

Monday, October 17, 2016

Bluefin-21 Data Display and Presentation

6.4 - Research Assignment: Control Station Analysis
Chris Bennett

General Dynamics purchased Bluefin robotics, a manufacturer of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) in February of 2016.  Bluefin has a fleet of UUVs that have a multitude of uses for undersea missions for both commercial and military applications.  Most of the UUV vehicles are known as Bluefin-X with differentiation based on the overall size and sensor capability.  The Bluefin-9 is the smallest and lightest vehicle whereas the Bluefin-21 is much larger and has the ability to carry more sensory options and payloads.  

For an operator of an UUV it is important to understand the data depiction and presentation strategy of that vehicle.  The Bluefin suite of vehicles utilize an Operator Tool Suite to control their vehicle and display data.  Bluefin’s Operator Tool Suite is a comprehensive software package that provides the interface between the vehicle and the operator for all mission phases (General Dynamics, n.d.).  The Operator Tool Suite is broken into three distinct areas: Mission Planner, Dashboard, and Lantern.  This Windows-based tool suite includes everything necessary to run and manage the system, including vehicle check-out and testing, mission planning, vehicle communications, mission monitoring and execution, data management, and post-mission analysis (General Dynamics, n.d.).

Mission planning is one of the most vital tools necessary as part of the data depiction and presentation strategy of a UUV.  Getting the vehicle safely to and from the target area is vitally important and without consistent radio signals between the ground station and the vehicle, it is important that the mission plan be mitigated prior to mission execution on a UUV.  Mission planning and verification is done via simple to use “widgets”.  Planning takes place on top of a chart-based view which accepts raster or digital charts (General Dynamics, n.d.).  The operator can input safety criteria in addition to operational constraints, and decision points that will recover the vehicle if it isn’t performing as expected.

The Bluefin Dashboard is an intuitive design for vehicle testing, checkout, and mission monitoring.  Dashboard tools enable the operator to track vehicles against a chart-based interface which includes ship position indicators, mission plans, and a variety of operator-specified annotations (General Dynamics, n.d.).  A variety of sensors display telemetry data from the Bluefin to the Dashboard which enables the operator to monitor the vehicle status.  The fastest return link from the Bluefin is automatically selected through the dashboard to relay data.

Lantern is the interface that allows the operator the ability to conduct post-mission analysis.  Lantern has the ability to operate efficiently with other available software components for mission analyzation.  It combines survey tracklines, vehicle data, contact locations, and user-entered annotations in straightforward chart-based windows (General Dynamics, n.d.).  Lastly, normal zoom, and accurate geo-referenced coordinate data can be gathered by manipulating the Lantern tools.
Bluefin-21 was utilized during the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and suffered numerous setbacks, most characterized as “communication issues”.  Another fault was found that the vehicle reached its maximum depth of 4,500 meters and was then forced to surface.  Without further details on that particular event, it is difficult to offer recommendations on either situation.  In most cases, UUVs benefit from a tethered cable that will allow operators to oversee the mission in live time.

Because of the dispersing action of water, it is incredibly difficult to maintain reliable communications between a ground station and vehicle.  In open waters, with little chance of obstacles, a tether would allow data to be received instantaneously from the vehicle.  Additionally, live video feed and telemetry data from the sensors can be interpreted by an operator utilizing the Lantern software.  It doesn’t appear that the dashboard is operator intuitive and lacks the typical “caution” (yellow) and “warning” (red) readout display most often found in aircraft design.  By integrating standard markings, the operator can be given warnings as the vehicle approaches specific limits (i.e. yellow-caution at 3,900 meters, red-warning at 4,200 meters).  This change would allow an operator to possibly intervene prior to the vehicle exceeding its operational limit of 4,500 meters and subsequently being forced to surface.

The Bluefin suite of vehicles are a well-designed UUV concept that use simple Windows based software to display and interpret data from the underwater vehicle.  By applying caution and warning design considerations used in most aircraft, the display indications can become more refined and intuitive for an operator to perform the vehicle mission with greater success.

General Dynamics (n.d.).  Operator Software; Bluefin Robotics.  Retrieved from

Monday, October 3, 2016

Insitu ScanEagle

The Insitu ScanEagle, built by Insitu, and now in partnership with Boeing Corporation, is a simplistic Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) with a basic approach to design.  The 10 foot wingspan, 4 foot length, and 44 pound max gross weight places this UAS in the Group 2 (Medium) category.  With a speed of 75 knots and a maximum endurance of 19,500 feet the Scan Eagle is a competent aircraft that has logged over 22,000 operational hours in support of OIF.
The exteroceptive sensor chosen for the ScanEagle is a Sensor Turret System housing an advanced Electro-Optical (EO) Camera and Infrared (IR) camera.  The EO camera is capable of streaming color video at a 25:1 optical zoom with image stabilization.  The uncooled IR camera utilizes long-wavelength technology with an 18 degree field of view that captures images at 30 frames per second.  The IR camera is also image stabilized. The video feed (which is in NTSC format) can be displayed on a monitor and/or recorded onto the hard disk onboard the Ground Control System (GCS) (Lim, 2007).  Additional sensors include chemical/biological sensors, magnetometer, and a laser designating system.

ScanEagle has completed additional testing with another crucial exteroceptive sensor to increase its capability.  The fitting of Signature Aperture Radar (SAR) to the Boeing ScanEagle was done in partnership with ImSAR and Insitu and was no mean feat - the NanoSAR is a 2-pound system approximately the size of a shoebox (Hanlon, 2008). Beyond its military role, SAR significantly extends the capabilities of a UAV, enabling it to be more effectively used for such diverse applications as search and rescue in adverse conditions, fire line location and tracking through smoke, iceberg detection, ice pack analysis and the detection of debris or oils spills on the ocean or other bodies of water (Hanlon, 2008).  This initial test with this additional sensor capability greatly increases the usefulness of ScanEagle.   The testing to date has seen the ScanEagle collect data on an onboard 32 GB solid state drive with the imagery later created on the ground (Hanlon, 2008). 
The ScanEagle uses a flight computer for its most crucial “brain power”.  This proprioceptive sensor is crucial to maintaining stabilized flight parameters.  The design of the ScanEagle is based on flight path control, not operator flight control (Wilke, 2007). In the Scan Eagle, it uses a Technologic Systems, TS 5700 PC 104 Embedded Single Board Computer with a 133 MHz AMD 586 Processor (Lim, 2007).  Other proprioceptive sensors, such as a Navtech GPS receiver system, deliver vital information to the flight computer in order for the Scan Eagle to fly to various waypoints, orbits, or complete object tracking.  These sensors also allow for automatic and manual control modes for the Sensor Turret System.   The unit, which contains solid-state gyros and accelerometers, magnetometer, GPS receiver and air data pressure transducers, provides attitude and heading measurement to high accuracy (ScanEagle, n.d.).      

Data dissemination is available through various standard formats and can include video with synched metadata, snapshots, or cursor-on-target information (Wilke, 2007).  The partnership between Boeing and Insitu has allowed more capability in systems configuration tracking.  Data exploitation is enhanced by utilizing Sarnoff’s TerraSight system (Wilke, 2007).  ScanEagle has a 900MHz UHF datalink and a 2.4GHz S-band downlink for video transmission (ScanEagle, n.d.).  Data collection is contained within the GCS and can also be removed as needed. 

Hanlon, M. (208, March 18).  ScanEagle UAV gets Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR); New Atlas.  Retrieved from
Lim, H. (2007, December).  Network Payload Integration for the Scan-Eagle UAV; Naval Post Graduate School.  Retrieved from
ScanEagle (n.d.).  ScanEagle, United States of America; Naval-Technology of America.  Retrieved from

Wilke, C. (2007, March 2).  Scan Eagle Overview; SAE Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee.  Retrieved from

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Commercial Off the Shelf Unmanned Systems and Sensor Placement Considerations

The current availability of Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) vehicles that provide an advanced capability for both Full Motion Video (FMV) and still camera exteroceptive sensory is somewhat stagnant as this emerging market has yet to find it’s full market share.  The ability of these COTS vehicles to deliver amazing photography capability is without a doubt a tremendous advantage over traditional photography.  However, this emerging market continues to struggle with legal implications of operating Unmanned Autonomous Systems (UAS), which divides the vehicles into a toy based and semi-professional divide.  One of the best designed vehicles on the market that incorporates a well-designed sensor suite is the DJI Inspire 1.

Sensor placement in a UAS is a vital consideration of the design.  When incorporating exterior cameras the engineering team must consider the implications that external surfaces play as part of the design criteria.  Items like propellers, landing gear, antennas, and other exterior surfaces can suddenly obstruct the view of the camera.  The Inspire 1 is an out-of-the-box COTS solution for someone interested in performing still photography or FMV below 400 feet.  For approximately, $3,000 the user can immediately begin flying and filming at 4K quality.  The DJI also has an option to add a second controller which allows a sensor operator to focus entirely on the task of performing video or photography.  Meanwhile, the pilot or operator, can focus on safely and responsibly maneuvering the vehicle as necessary for high quality shots.  There are a host of more costly and capable vehicles that eclipse the Inspire 1 as there are many more that are less costly/capable.  The Inspire 1 fits nice between the phantom 2 and the s-900 as a middle ground for those doing work for clients (Oneal, 2014).  The DJI Inspire 1 fills the niche of a semi-professional vehicle quite nicely and does so with little to no competition in that particular price range.  With the phantom 1 and 2 all over the news, many people (the public) might think it’s a toy (Oneal, 2014).

The overall design of the DJI Inspire 1 is, well, “inspiring”.  The company has done a fine job of designing a platform of exteroceptive and proprioceptive sensors that function well without interference or interruption.  Most other vehicles, for instance, have issues when performing FMV or photography of only having a certain section of available clear view.  Due to the design placement of the exteroceptive camera coupled with retractable landing gear, the Inspire 1 has unobstructed viewing area from the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).  It produces high-definition, 4k, 360-degree aerial video that streams back to the device in real time (French, 2014). 

It seems almost cliché to continue reviewing the DJI Inspire 1 as the most well designed vehicle on the COTS market but with little to no competition in its market share one doesn’t have other options.  The overall design of the vehicle coupled with great thought placed into its structure and proprioceptive sensors it is difficult to argue any other vehicle as a reasonable replacement.   
A First Person View (FPV) racer utilizes a forward camera on board the UAV that transmits live images back to the pilot on the ground that is controlling the vehicle.  This gives the ground based pilot the sensation of actually flying on the aircraft.  Overlays are available depending on the proprioceptive sensors on board the vehicle that can relay critical performance feedback to the pilot in a Heads Up Display (HUD) orientation; much like a real aircraft.  As someone who has flown actual aircraft and FPV racers, I can tell you that one of the most critical proprioceptive sensors to have integrated into the design is an Internal Navigation System (INS)/Global Positioning System (GPS) coupled with a smart flight controller that provides stabilized flight parameters when the pilot loses situational awareness; a phenomenon fairly common when operating FPV. 

One currently available FPV is the ARRIS X-Speed 250 Pure Carbon Fiber FPV Racing Quadcopter.  This well designed COTS is a suitable option when considering a FPV racer.  One of the considerations of the FPV is the vibration seen through the camera as this exteroceptive sensor is mounted inside the frame of the vehicle to protect it during takeoff, landing, or crashing.  The X-Speed has a vibration damper plate on the upper and lower frame that filters the vibration effectively.  Other FPV manufacturers mount the camera in only one position.  A feature of the ARRIS X-SPEED is the angle of the FPV camera is adjustable. The angle adjustable range is 0 to 20 degree. (pitch up) (Hobby Wing, n.d.).  This feature allows the pilot to adjust the forward looking view based on their preference. 

Antenna on this vehicle are mounted above the frame as there are no landing gear to provide clearance for the vehicle.  It lands on its frame as a normal part of operation.  The upper omni antenna allows the vehicle to transmit reliable signal strength to the pilot without interruption.  The antenna is meant to separate from the vehicle in the event of a hard landing or crash in order to minimize the chance that it can be critically damaged. 

Overall, the X-Speed 250 is similar to other FPV racer UAS that are on the market but it has had a few minor improvements in order to make it a more capable vehicle.  Arris has done a fine job of designing a FPV racer that meets the needs of the pilot and provides a satisfying flying experience for the novice operator. 

French, S. (2014, November 13).  DJI’s Newest Drone, Inspire 1 with 3-Axis Gimbal and Retractable Landing Gear; The Drone Girl.  Retrieved from
Hobby Wing (n.d.).  ARRIS X-Speed 250 Pure Carbon Fiber FPV Racing Quadcopter.  Retrieved from

Oneal, D. (2014, November 13).  Thoughts on the DJI Inspire; That Drone Show.  Retrieved from

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Emergency Integrated Lifesaving Lanyard (EMILY)- Unmanned Maritime System

EMILY is an Unmanned Maritime System (UMS) that has been under development for quite some time and is used for conducting rescue missions at sea.  This UMS is deployed most typically from a ship or rescue helicopter and acts as a type of buoy that can be guided near individuals requiring assistance in the water.  This pseudo-lifeguard is known as EMILY, for the Emergency Integrated Lifesaving Lanyard.  EMILY was designed by the Office of Naval Research in collaboration with inventor Tony Mulligan, and the Navy’s Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program.  

EMILY is a remotely controlled four foot long vehicle that weighs approximately 25 pounds.
The devices are made of Kevlar and aircraft-grade composites, are powered by a jet ski-like engine that allows them to travel up to 22 miles per hour, and come equipped with two-way radios, a video camera (exteroceptive sensor) with a live feed to smart phones and lights for night rescues (McCaney, 2016).  EMILY is tethered to a rope up to 2,000 feet long.  Designed to race through heavy surf, EMILY has proper balance for quick self-righting performance. The deep, 22 degree hull is designed to track straight during wave breaching. Highly durable, EMILY will survive impact at full speed or in surf with rocks, reef, or pilings. Use EMILY to provide flotation until a rescuer arrives, deliver life jackets, or pull a recovery rescue line up to 800 yards through strong currents and large surf (EMILY, 2015). 

There are few details regarding the proprioceptive sensors of EMILY but the plans to add additional exteroceptive sensors enhance the overall capability and functional ability of EMILY.  Next year’s model will have a doppler sonar to help it avoid high-speed collisions with unsuspecting swimmers (The Economist, 2010).  The company also plans to add acoustic exteroceptive sensors the listen for underwater movement along with a microphone and loudspeaker.  The doppler and acoustic sensors are most specific to a maritime environment. 

One disadvantage of EMILY is the inability for a incapacited swimmer to grasp on to the vehicle.  By utilizing range finding sensors and trajectory planning it might be possible to implement a retrieval system that captures a person and subsequently secures them to the remote controlled buoy.  This simple improvement, especially if able to perform robotic maneuvers sub-surface, might make a difference in saving lives.  Additional improvements can be made by utilizing an overhead Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that can use either visual, infared, or LIDAR technology to locate struggling swimmers and map a recovery mission profile that can then be sent directly to EMILY in order to help it find and rescue more efficiently.  By utilizing a UAV the on-scene commander can maintain an “eye in the sky” that can best direct the recovery actions of one or numerous EMILYs. 

It is not always feasible to launch a manned platform into extremely dangerous seas.  By utilizing a vehicle such as EMILY the mission does not needlessly endanger additional lives when attempting to bring others to safety.  Additionally, in diverse cultures, a rescue swimmer can sometimes be attacked by a group or single individuals as they panic in fear of drowning.  An unmanned buoy allows a safe way of recovering individuals quickly and efficiently while minimizing undo risk to operators. 
Unmanned sensors rely on distance and range finding to best maneuver.  The software and processes involved make a multitude of minor changes and updates during the operation.  A manned platform relies on experience and visual cues with some exterior sensor interaction.  The difference is a manned platform operator must understand and process the information from the sensors, and then decide to react or ignore the inputs.  An unmanned platform has the process built into its programming to automatically perform based on the information being received from those sensors. 

EMILY is a simple UMS that can be used to rescue people that are having difficulty in water.  Its high speed and sensor suite make it an excellent tool to be used on most maritime ships.  Additionally, it is feasible to imagine a time when EMILY will be a regular resource at a beach.  With additional sensor improvements it is possible that EMILY can perform surveillance for deadly predators lurking in the waters near beaches.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Gorgon Stare

One of the key components of an unmanned aerial system (UAS) is the ability to collect either still pictures or full motion video.  Utilizing exteroceptive sensors, the UAS is capable of performing persistent reconnaissance missions as part of its tactical presence.  Numerous vehicles have been designed with this purpose but most early designs were inherently flawed in that their cameras had a “soda straw” type of view.  This limitation prevented the operators from being able to focus on more than one target a time and it was situationally draining while surveying the battlefield prior to weapons engagement.  The MQ-9 Reaper was the first vehicle to implement a new technology known as Gorgon Stare that was initially able to scan a total area of 4 kilometers (Increment 1).  This wide angle view enabled live viewing in a few various tiers in order to have a wide scope view and a narrowed high detailed view.  Additionally, videos and images can be stored for up 30 days so a detailed study of patterns of life or after-action analysis can be performed.
The service’s secretive Big Safari shop that specializes in development of urgently-needed warfighting tools gave a contract to closely-held Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) to integrate what came to be known as Gorgon Stare (Thompson, 2015).  This exteroceptive sensor transformed the way in which collections could be made in the battlefield.  The prototype emerging from this partnership consisted of two pods that could be mounted on the Reaper — one containing wide field-of-view cameras, the other digital processors and datalinks that enabled quick transmission of actionable intelligence to operations centers and troops in the field (Thompson, 2015).  The design evolved to a more capable sensor with Increment 2 which could now cover up to 64 square kilometers in addition to a much more effective resolution.  Warfighters still can extract the local details of greatest interest during an operation and backtrack later using high-res archives to analyze what happened, but now they can surveil much greater spaces with enhanced fidelity (Thompson, 2015).  The exteroceptive sensors on Gorgon Stare Increment 2 utilize electro-optical (daylight) and IR arrays to ascertain images during a 24 hour operating period. 
Gorgon Stare was designed with a modular open architecture so it can be easily incorporated into new technology.  This particular sensor is highly effective as a tool for the MQ-9 Reaper UAS as it performs its dedicated mission of hunter-killer reconnaissance.  

Thompson, L. (2015, April).  Air Force's Secret "Gorgon Stare" Program Leaves Terrorists Nowhere To Hide; Forbes.  Retrieved from

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Request For Proposal- Earthquake Emergency Response Utilizing UAS

The design requirement for this request for proposal (RFP) is to provide an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) that can provide damage and rescue assessment of areas post-earthquake.  An earthquake creates a tremendous amount of damage which sometimes makes evacuation impossible for residents and also limits the accessibility of rescue personnel to provide medical care.  This UAS will be launched from a mobile command post and will provide a global overview of areas in which individuals may be trapped or requiring medical assistance. This vehicle will provide full motion video (FMV) along with persistent reconnaissance and surveillance for rescue teams to make the best decision as part of their safety mitigation rescue plan.  Additionally, this vehicle will be able to access buildings that are toppled over, crushed, or beyond easy access for a rescue team.  Each aspect of the RFP will be analyzed below to provide the most capable vehicle.  The proposed commercial off the shelf (COTS) unit to satisfy the requirements of this RFP is the DJI Inspire 1.

1.       Entire system (all elements) shall be transportable (in a hardened case) and weight less than 50 lbs (one-person lift)
a.       GPC case will contain all of the components necessary to carry a DJI Inspire 1 (GPC:  Go Professional Cases, n.d.)
                                                   i.      Exterior Length        31.63 in
                                                 ii.      Exterior Width         20.5 in
                                               iii.      Exterior Depth         15.75 in
                                               iv.      Wight                         28 lbs
                                                 v.      Cost                            $ 469
1.       Shall be less than $100,000 (equipment cost only)
a.       DJI Inspire 1 cost                    $ 2,737                (DJI Store, n.d.)
                                                   i.      Inspire 1 ready-to-fly all-in-one flying platform
                                                 ii.      Second Inspire 1 remote controller for dual operators to easily control flight and camera functions.
                                               iii.      Spare Inspire 1 TB47 Intelligent Flight Battery
                                               iv.      Inspire 1 Battery Heater to ensure safe and reliable flights in low temperatures.
                                                 v.      Battery Charging Hub to safely and rapidly charge up to four batteries at once.
                                               vi.      Remote Controller Monitor Hood (for Tablets) to shield your tablets from direct sunlight for a perfect view of your display.
                                              vii.      Two pairs of 1345T Quick-Release Propellers, including one pair of clockwise replacement propellers and one pair of counter-clockwise replacement propellers.
b.      Recommend each mobile command vehicle be outfitted with 10 complete kits along with a small parts repair inventory.
Air vehicle element
1.       Shall be capable of flight up to 500 feet altitude above ground level (AGL)
a.       Max Service Ceiling Above Sea Level              4500 m (Default altitude limit: 120 m above takeoff point)​ – 14,000 ft (DJI, n.d.)

2.       Shall be capable of sustained flight (at loiter speed) in excess of one hour
a.       Max Flight Time       Approximately 18 minutes (DJI, n.d.)
                                                   i.      Multi-aircraft standard operating procedure will accomplish this requirement.  One vehicle loitering, One vehicle prep for launch/replacement, One vehicle returning to base.
                                                 ii.      When in flight, your remaining battery power is shown live, letting you know how long you can continue to fly. Advanced algorithms calculate the distance of your aircraft and estimated time to return home, letting you know when it’s time to fly back (DJI, n.d.)

3.       Shall be capable of covering an operational radius of one mile
a.       Maximum Transmitting Distance      Up to 5 km or 3.1 miles (unobstructed, free of interference) when FCC compliant (DJI, n.d.)
b.      Up to 3.5 km or 2.1 miles (unobstructed, free of interference) when CE compliant (DJI, n.d.)

4.       Shall be deployable and on station (i.e., in air over mission area) in less than 15 minutes
a.       Vehicle is neatly packaged in case and easily removed/assembled in less than 15 minutes

5.       Shall be capable of manual and autonomous operation
a.       IMU: Automatically keeping the Inspire 1 stable and steady during flight only looks easy, as DJI’s advanced Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) handles everything. The IMU incorporates both a 6-axis gyroscope and an accelerometer to monitor miniscule changes in tilt and movement. This allows the aircraft to compensate and adjust immediately, holding its position at all times (DJI, n.d.)
b.      Positioning: As it flies, the position of your Inspire 1 is constantly updated and recorded using a high-strength, intelligent GLONASS + GPS system. This dual positioning system enables higher precision and quicker satellite acquisition, allowing you to see where the aircraft is on a live map and giving it a point to hover at when you release the controls (DJI, n.d)
c.       Main Controller:  This is the "brain" of the entire system, receiving thousands of bits of data every second and translating that data into action as you fly. The Main Controller tells every part of your Inspire 1 what to do, calculates environmental conditions in real-time, and ensures that the aircraft responds to your control commands instantly (DJI, n.d.)
d.      All of these features combine to put your Inspire 1 on autopilot when needed. If the battery runs low or connection with your remote controller is lost, the Inspire 1 uses its positioning system and smart flight technology to return back to you (DJI, n.d.)
6.       Shall provide capture of telemetry, including altitude, magnetic heading, latitude/longitude position, and orientation (i.e., pitch, roll, and yaw)
a.       Inspire 1
7.       Shall provide power to payload, telemetry sensors, and data-link
a.       Modular, upgradeable system: Upgradeable to Inspire X5 Series, and usable with the DJI OSMO.
b.      The DJI Inspire 1 does not have external payload capability beyond DJI products.  This RFP suggests working directly with DJI in order to research and develop (R&D) a solution.  External manufacturers can be consulted in order to deliver a suitable solution as well. 
c.       External downlink capability is also questionable but can be investigated in order to deliver multi-feed capability.

8.       Shall provide capability to orbit (i.e., fly in circular pattern around) or hover over an object of interest
a.       Hover in place without GPS:  You can take off and land at the press of a button and keep your Inspire 1 steady indoors or when GPS satellites can’t be acquired with the new DJI Vision Positioning System (DJI, n.d.)

Command & Control (C2)
1.       Shall be capable of manual and autonomous operation
a.       IMU: Automatically keeping the Inspire 1 stable and steady during flight only looks easy, as DJI’s advanced Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) handles everything. The IMU incorporates both a 6-axis gyroscope and an accelerometer to monitor miniscule changes in tilt and movement. This allows the aircraft to compensate and adjust immediately, holding its position at all times (DJI, n.d.)
b.      Positioning: As it flies, the position of your Inspire 1 is constantly updated and recorded using a high-strength, intelligent GLONASS + GPS system. This dual positioning system enables higher precision and quicker satellite acquisition, allowing you to see where the aircraft is on a live map and giving it a point to hover at when you release the controls (DJI, n.d)
c.       Main Controller:  This is the "brain" of the entire system, receiving thousands of bits of data every second and translating that data into action as you fly. The Main Controller tells every part of your Inspire 1 what to do, calculates environmental conditions in real-time, and ensures that the aircraft responds to your control commands instantly (DJI, n.d.)
d.      All of these features combine to put your Inspire 1 on autopilot when needed. If the battery runs low or connection with your remote controller is lost, the Inspire 1 uses its positioning system and smart flight technology to return back to you (DJI, n.d.)

2.       Shall provide redundant flight control to prevent flyaway
a.       Failsafe: If the battery runs low or connection with your remote controller is lost, the Inspire 1 uses its positioning system and smart flight technology to return back to you.

3.       Shall visually depict telemetry of air vehicle element
a.       See section above with depiction of telemetry

4.       Shall visually depict payload sensor views
a.       See section above with depiction of telemetry
1.       Shall be capable of color daytime video operation up to 500 feet AGL
a.       4K video and more (DJI, n.d.)
                                                               i.      9-layer lens helps you capture the best aerial views possible.
                                                             ii.      Rectilinear, curved lens design eliminates distortion, and the 20mm focal length opens up your shots to a remarkably wide angle without that fish-eye look.
                                                           iii.      Compact camera shoots video at up to 4Kp30 or 1080p60 and takes crisp, clear 12 megapixel stills.
2.       Shall be capable of infrared (IR) video operation up to 500 feet AGL
a.       The camera on the DJI Zenmuse XT is developed by FLIR. It provides high-sensitivity (50mK) infrared scanning at 640/30 fps or 336/30 fps depending on the camera model. This sensitivity provides accurate temperature measurements ideal for analytics and telemetry. Both cameras are available with four lens options to meet different business needs. Stabilized and controlled by a custom DJI gimbal, it provides smooth, clear imagery and 360 degrees of seamless rotational movement (DJI, n.d.)
b.      R&D required to determine capability and factors involved with flying this payload.

3.       Shall be interoperable with C2 and data-link
a.       Operating Frequency (DJI, n.d.)
                                                               i.      922.7~927.7 MHz (Japan Only)
                                                             ii.      5.725~5.825 GHz
                                                           iii.      2.400~2.483 GHz

4.       Shall use power provided by air vehicle element
a.       Power Spectral Density (DJI, n.d.)
                                                               i.      9.06mW/MHz
Data-link (communications)
1.       Shall be capable of communication range exceeding two miles visual line of sight (VLOS)
a.       Maximum Transmitting Distance (DJI, n.d.)
                                                               i.      Up to 5 km or 3.1 miles (unobstructed, free of interference) when FCC compliant (DJI, n.d.)
                                                             ii.      Up to 3.5 km or 2.1 miles (unobstructed, free of interference) when CE compliant (DJI, n.d.)

2.       Shall provide redundant communication capability (backup) for C2
a.       A backup parts supply as part of a mobile disaster response vehicle will provide repair capability
b.      Air Vehicle has automatic return to base capability (RTB) when link is lost or severed.

3.       Shall use power provided by air vehicle element
a.       Power Spectral Density (DJI, n.d.)
b.      9.06mW/MHz
Support equipment
1.       Design shall identify any support equipment required to support operation
a.       Mobile command and control vehicle
                                                               i.      Requires space to hold 10 DJI Inspire kits
                                                             ii.      Requires space to hold spare parts kit
                                                           iii.      Requires area to seat 3 to 4 in-vehicle analysts to assist in video feed monitoring
1.       This team will be part of the disaster response plan team
2.       Will monitor via frequency sharing
                                                           iv.      Requires intercom panel and ground based communications between monitoring team and DJI pilots

1.       Demonstration Phase (Developmental Test)
                                                               i.      Mobile Vehicle Procurement (2 months)
b.      Initial purchase of 3 DJI Inspire 1 systems (2 months)
                                                               i.      Demonstrates 1 – vehicle prep, 1- vehicle pre-launch, and 1 – vehicle RTB.
c.       Organize mock disaster response exercise (small scale)
                                                               i.      Develop scaled down area that represents a cross section of requirements
1.       Unable to access a 1 square mile of residents and mixed commercial
2.       Questionable safety of large commercial building with unknown amount of individuals trapped inside
3.       Vehicle will need to meet the following requirements
a.       Overview of area that is inaccessible
b.      Determine safest means of access by rescue team
c.       Determine downed power lines, ruptured gas lines, or other environmental issues that are hazards to rescue team
d.      Determine buildings that are a hazard for access
e.       Determine individuals that require immediate medical assistance
4.       Persistent ISR for 1 hour
5.       Safety response team must complete the following tasks as part of exercise
a.       Communicate effectively between pilots and mobile command unit
b.      Operate persistent ISR for 1 hour
c.       Determine best means of access for rescue team to trapped area
d.      Locate individual injured in open requiring immediate medical attention
e.       Located toppled large commercial building and locate individual trapped inside
f.        Locate ruptured water line creating a flooding event in residential neighborhood
g.       Utilize IR to locate a trapped individual under a floral canopy

2.       Refine Requirements (2 months)
a.       Determine any adjustments to products necessary
b.      Final design criteria for mobile vehicle design requirements

3.       Procurement Phase (6 months – 1 year)
a.       Construction of fixed base control center
b.      Mobile vehicle command post procurement
c.       DJI Inspire 1 purchase
d.      Support equipment and spares procurement

4.       Large Scale Exercise (Operational Test)
a.       Organize an exercise that will require the coordination of multiple teams across a large scale area.

5.       Implementation (Project Completion)
a.       Deliver fully integrated solution to earthquake response team
b.      Organize a periodic exercise schedule that is both planned and unplanned in order to refine requirements
              The DJI Inspire 1 vehicle is a COTS that is readily available to perform the requirements of this RFP.  The construction of a capable support vehicle will require careful planning in order to deliver a command unit that is ready to respond to an earthquake event with a disaster response team.  This vehicle will be able to provide full motion video in both daytime and IR that can determine best routes of access while also determining areas in which medical care is required.  R&D along with operational testing can be closely coordinated with disaster response teams in planned exercises.  Additional requirements will need to be negotiated with DJI in order to deliver capability or an external design team that can engineer simple solutions based on existing architecture. 


DJI (n.d.)  Inspire 1 Specs.  Retrieved from
DJI Store (n.d.) Inspire 1 V. 2.0.  Retrieved from
GPC:  Go Professional Cases (n.d.) DJI Inspire 1 X5 Landing Mode Case.  Retrieved from

Thursday, June 2, 2016

A Practical Use for sUAS in the Real Estate Sales Services

              Selling a home is no easy task and the real estate agents that find new and creative ways to market a home tend to be the most successful.  Those successful real estate agents will tell you that one of the most important aspects of selling a home is investing in the project through efficient marketing.  Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) offer an opportunity for real estate agents to present unique photos and videos of the home they are representing to potential buyers.  Some agents claim that “drones” are the most important new technology to enter real estate marketing since the internet (Nixon, 2016).  The sUAS offers never before seen clarity in both pictures and video that give a potential buyer a better view of the home while searching over the internet.  The real estate agent who offers these live video and aerial photography options to a home seller will be sure to sell homes quicker and at a higher asking price than those who don’t. 

              There are currently three very capable platforms that can do a professional job of real estate aerial services.  The DJI Inspire, Phantom 4, and the 3DR Iris are all reasonably priced entry level commercial off the shelf (COTS) solutions to real estate photography. 

The DJI Inspire 1 V2.0 is a revolutionary HD camera drone that makes it easy for 1- or 2-person teams to produce extremely high quality 4K HD and Micro Four-Thirds video from up to 2 km away (Nixon, 2016).  DJI has packed a ton of new technology into the Inspire 1 to improve reliability, safety and video quality (Nixon, 2016).  With an entry level price below $3,000 and an intuitive Professional DJI Flight Control System, this is a smart choice for someone who wants to purchase a vehicle, remove it from the box, and begin working.  The DJI is capable of flying indoors without GPS which is a necessity while filming large scale luxury homes.  Most users will experience approximately 18-20 minutes of flight in stable low wind conditions.   If you’re looking for a ready-to-fly camera drone for professional-quality film making, surveillance, inspection, law enforcement or event coverage, the Inspire 1 is tough to beat at this price (Nixon, 2016). 

The DJI Phantom 4 is slightly cheaper and a highly suitable platform for UAS aerial photography.  Designed for high-quality aerial photography and cinematography, the DJI Phantom 4 is the most intelligent, easy-to-operate flying camera drone available for less than $2,000 (Nixon, 2016).  The Phantom 4 has demonstrated up to 24 minutes of flight and is capable of flight as far as 1.2 miles.  One might think it would be difficult to maintain FAA mandated line of sight as far as 1.2 miles, and they would be correct.  The biggest breakthrough for the Phantom 4 is its inclusion of a new Optical Sensor unit and real-time 3D vision system that makes it capable of automatically detecting and avoiding obstacles while in flight (Smith, 2016).  Sense and avoid is a tremendous selling point as part of the real estate aerial services safety mitigation plan. 

3DR has built a vehicle known as the IRIS that can be fitted with a moveable gimbal and GoPro camera making it a viable performer in this class of sUAS.  Max flight time is listed as 22 minutes.  The Iris uses a standard controller but has other options for control that are less than reliable.  Capability is not as advanced as the other options but for an entry price just under $1,000, the 3DR is a nice entry platform for the beginner UAS aerial photographer.  

              While using a sUAS might seem like an extremely lucrative business idea to some, there are numerous issues surrounding the business application of aerial vehicles.  First and foremost, operations aren’t currently legal without navigating the incredibly cumbersome FAA process of obtaining a Certificate of Authorization and Type 333 exemption.  While many are operating despite those qualifications, the FAA has been quick to fine many operators.  The list below also outlines some limitations in the capabilities of a sUAS. 

There are still certain kinds of photos and videos that a flying camera is not well suited for, including:
Carefully-focused, fixed position photography. For example, shots designed to avoid an unpleasant feature or to help a room or yard appear larger.
The interiors of smaller spaces, such as condos or apartments
Homes shrouded by trees or other buildings.
Standard street-level shots that all buyers have come to expect in a listing.              (Nixon, 2016)

Other users have found sUAS as a hype or fad that doesn’t really offer any unique capability.  This is a tool of macro proportions only (Smith, 2014). That means that it’s only really useful for wide shots, like aerial views from 100 to 200 feet (or higher) (Smith, 2014).  Every breeze from a passing car or the AC unit is going to push it away or pull it down (Smith, 2014).  This particular writer doesn’t share which vehicle they used in their assessment, but it’s easy to surmise that they either used one of lesser capability or did not know how to operate their vehicle to optimize its features. 

               Privacy is a tremendous concern when operating a sUAS in an area where other homes or individuals may be filmed or photographed.  Special care must be taken by the operator to canvas the neighborhood and inform others about the nature of the operations prior to initiating flight.  Privacy rights regarding public photography and video is a grey area, especially in the technologically advanced world of cell phone cameras and videos that currently proliferate the public. 

              Risk Mitigation needs to be a consideration when operating sUAS in real estate photography.  A wise operator will have dedicated areas for launch and recovery that are sectioned off from the general public.  Clear signage and explanations of the operations will also alleviate public concerns regarding safety and privacy.  Insurance and liability should be a prime concern for the operator as well.  There are plenty of forces beyond your control that can bring your drone down and put your business on hold – or worse, damage a person or property (Amato, 2015). Getting hull and liability insurance for your drone often costs about as much as a second drone so it may be worth getting some coverage if you are going to aggressively pursue new opportunities (Amato, 2015). 

              Once the FAA approves a clear set of rules, regulations, and policies the real estate photography business will be a lucrative venture for UAS operators.  The three drones listed are initial COTS vehicles that have proven their capability.  These initial pioneers pave the way for future designs that will be sure to add additional capability while adding safety measures to protect the public from harm. 

Amato, A. (2015, May).  7 Pieces of Advice to Consider When Starting an Aerial Photography Company;  Retrieved from
Smith, C. (2014, August).  8 Reasons Why Not to Buy a Drone for Real Estate Videos; Tampa Bay Area Wholesale Real Estate & Investment Properties.  Retrieved from

Nixon, A. (2016, April).  Fly It, or Buy It? The Complete Guide To Using Camera Drones for Real Estate Marketing; Best Drone for the Job.  Retrieved from