Monday, October 17, 2016

Bluefin-21 Data Display and Presentation

6.4 - Research Assignment: Control Station Analysis
Chris Bennett

General Dynamics purchased Bluefin robotics, a manufacturer of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) in February of 2016.  Bluefin has a fleet of UUVs that have a multitude of uses for undersea missions for both commercial and military applications.  Most of the UUV vehicles are known as Bluefin-X with differentiation based on the overall size and sensor capability.  The Bluefin-9 is the smallest and lightest vehicle whereas the Bluefin-21 is much larger and has the ability to carry more sensory options and payloads.  

For an operator of an UUV it is important to understand the data depiction and presentation strategy of that vehicle.  The Bluefin suite of vehicles utilize an Operator Tool Suite to control their vehicle and display data.  Bluefin’s Operator Tool Suite is a comprehensive software package that provides the interface between the vehicle and the operator for all mission phases (General Dynamics, n.d.).  The Operator Tool Suite is broken into three distinct areas: Mission Planner, Dashboard, and Lantern.  This Windows-based tool suite includes everything necessary to run and manage the system, including vehicle check-out and testing, mission planning, vehicle communications, mission monitoring and execution, data management, and post-mission analysis (General Dynamics, n.d.).

Mission planning is one of the most vital tools necessary as part of the data depiction and presentation strategy of a UUV.  Getting the vehicle safely to and from the target area is vitally important and without consistent radio signals between the ground station and the vehicle, it is important that the mission plan be mitigated prior to mission execution on a UUV.  Mission planning and verification is done via simple to use “widgets”.  Planning takes place on top of a chart-based view which accepts raster or digital charts (General Dynamics, n.d.).  The operator can input safety criteria in addition to operational constraints, and decision points that will recover the vehicle if it isn’t performing as expected.

The Bluefin Dashboard is an intuitive design for vehicle testing, checkout, and mission monitoring.  Dashboard tools enable the operator to track vehicles against a chart-based interface which includes ship position indicators, mission plans, and a variety of operator-specified annotations (General Dynamics, n.d.).  A variety of sensors display telemetry data from the Bluefin to the Dashboard which enables the operator to monitor the vehicle status.  The fastest return link from the Bluefin is automatically selected through the dashboard to relay data.

Lantern is the interface that allows the operator the ability to conduct post-mission analysis.  Lantern has the ability to operate efficiently with other available software components for mission analyzation.  It combines survey tracklines, vehicle data, contact locations, and user-entered annotations in straightforward chart-based windows (General Dynamics, n.d.).  Lastly, normal zoom, and accurate geo-referenced coordinate data can be gathered by manipulating the Lantern tools.
Bluefin-21 was utilized during the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and suffered numerous setbacks, most characterized as “communication issues”.  Another fault was found that the vehicle reached its maximum depth of 4,500 meters and was then forced to surface.  Without further details on that particular event, it is difficult to offer recommendations on either situation.  In most cases, UUVs benefit from a tethered cable that will allow operators to oversee the mission in live time.

Because of the dispersing action of water, it is incredibly difficult to maintain reliable communications between a ground station and vehicle.  In open waters, with little chance of obstacles, a tether would allow data to be received instantaneously from the vehicle.  Additionally, live video feed and telemetry data from the sensors can be interpreted by an operator utilizing the Lantern software.  It doesn’t appear that the dashboard is operator intuitive and lacks the typical “caution” (yellow) and “warning” (red) readout display most often found in aircraft design.  By integrating standard markings, the operator can be given warnings as the vehicle approaches specific limits (i.e. yellow-caution at 3,900 meters, red-warning at 4,200 meters).  This change would allow an operator to possibly intervene prior to the vehicle exceeding its operational limit of 4,500 meters and subsequently being forced to surface.

The Bluefin suite of vehicles are a well-designed UUV concept that use simple Windows based software to display and interpret data from the underwater vehicle.  By applying caution and warning design considerations used in most aircraft, the display indications can become more refined and intuitive for an operator to perform the vehicle mission with greater success.

General Dynamics (n.d.).  Operator Software; Bluefin Robotics.  Retrieved from


  1. Chris,

    Great post, you had a lot of detail for the Bluefin system. It seems like this is a highly capable system that is operator oriented. The suit used is what most are familiar with such as Windows based software. This is also important for future software upgrades.


  2. Nice post, I like the way you layout the information about the Bluefin systems.

