Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Commercial Off the Shelf Unmanned Systems and Sensor Placement Considerations

The current availability of Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) vehicles that provide an advanced capability for both Full Motion Video (FMV) and still camera exteroceptive sensory is somewhat stagnant as this emerging market has yet to find it’s full market share.  The ability of these COTS vehicles to deliver amazing photography capability is without a doubt a tremendous advantage over traditional photography.  However, this emerging market continues to struggle with legal implications of operating Unmanned Autonomous Systems (UAS), which divides the vehicles into a toy based and semi-professional divide.  One of the best designed vehicles on the market that incorporates a well-designed sensor suite is the DJI Inspire 1.

Sensor placement in a UAS is a vital consideration of the design.  When incorporating exterior cameras the engineering team must consider the implications that external surfaces play as part of the design criteria.  Items like propellers, landing gear, antennas, and other exterior surfaces can suddenly obstruct the view of the camera.  The Inspire 1 is an out-of-the-box COTS solution for someone interested in performing still photography or FMV below 400 feet.  For approximately, $3,000 the user can immediately begin flying and filming at 4K quality.  The DJI also has an option to add a second controller which allows a sensor operator to focus entirely on the task of performing video or photography.  Meanwhile, the pilot or operator, can focus on safely and responsibly maneuvering the vehicle as necessary for high quality shots.  There are a host of more costly and capable vehicles that eclipse the Inspire 1 as there are many more that are less costly/capable.  The Inspire 1 fits nice between the phantom 2 and the s-900 as a middle ground for those doing work for clients (Oneal, 2014).  The DJI Inspire 1 fills the niche of a semi-professional vehicle quite nicely and does so with little to no competition in that particular price range.  With the phantom 1 and 2 all over the news, many people (the public) might think it’s a toy (Oneal, 2014).

The overall design of the DJI Inspire 1 is, well, “inspiring”.  The company has done a fine job of designing a platform of exteroceptive and proprioceptive sensors that function well without interference or interruption.  Most other vehicles, for instance, have issues when performing FMV or photography of only having a certain section of available clear view.  Due to the design placement of the exteroceptive camera coupled with retractable landing gear, the Inspire 1 has unobstructed viewing area from the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).  It produces high-definition, 4k, 360-degree aerial video that streams back to the device in real time (French, 2014). 

It seems almost cliché to continue reviewing the DJI Inspire 1 as the most well designed vehicle on the COTS market but with little to no competition in its market share one doesn’t have other options.  The overall design of the vehicle coupled with great thought placed into its structure and proprioceptive sensors it is difficult to argue any other vehicle as a reasonable replacement.   
A First Person View (FPV) racer utilizes a forward camera on board the UAV that transmits live images back to the pilot on the ground that is controlling the vehicle.  This gives the ground based pilot the sensation of actually flying on the aircraft.  Overlays are available depending on the proprioceptive sensors on board the vehicle that can relay critical performance feedback to the pilot in a Heads Up Display (HUD) orientation; much like a real aircraft.  As someone who has flown actual aircraft and FPV racers, I can tell you that one of the most critical proprioceptive sensors to have integrated into the design is an Internal Navigation System (INS)/Global Positioning System (GPS) coupled with a smart flight controller that provides stabilized flight parameters when the pilot loses situational awareness; a phenomenon fairly common when operating FPV. 

One currently available FPV is the ARRIS X-Speed 250 Pure Carbon Fiber FPV Racing Quadcopter.  This well designed COTS is a suitable option when considering a FPV racer.  One of the considerations of the FPV is the vibration seen through the camera as this exteroceptive sensor is mounted inside the frame of the vehicle to protect it during takeoff, landing, or crashing.  The X-Speed has a vibration damper plate on the upper and lower frame that filters the vibration effectively.  Other FPV manufacturers mount the camera in only one position.  A feature of the ARRIS X-SPEED is the angle of the FPV camera is adjustable. The angle adjustable range is 0 to 20 degree. (pitch up) (Hobby Wing, n.d.).  This feature allows the pilot to adjust the forward looking view based on their preference. 

Antenna on this vehicle are mounted above the frame as there are no landing gear to provide clearance for the vehicle.  It lands on its frame as a normal part of operation.  The upper omni antenna allows the vehicle to transmit reliable signal strength to the pilot without interruption.  The antenna is meant to separate from the vehicle in the event of a hard landing or crash in order to minimize the chance that it can be critically damaged. 

Overall, the X-Speed 250 is similar to other FPV racer UAS that are on the market but it has had a few minor improvements in order to make it a more capable vehicle.  Arris has done a fine job of designing a FPV racer that meets the needs of the pilot and provides a satisfying flying experience for the novice operator. 

French, S. (2014, November 13).  DJI’s Newest Drone, Inspire 1 with 3-Axis Gimbal and Retractable Landing Gear; The Drone Girl.  Retrieved from http://thedronegirl.com/2014/11/13/djis-newest-drone-inspire-1-with-3-axis-gimbal-and-retractable-landing-gear/.
Hobby Wing (n.d.).  ARRIS X-Speed 250 Pure Carbon Fiber FPV Racing Quadcopter.  Retrieved from http://hobby-wing.com/arris-xsp250-racing-quadcopter.html.

Oneal, D. (2014, November 13).  Thoughts on the DJI Inspire; That Drone Show.  Retrieved from http://www.thatdroneshow.com/thoughts-dji-inspire/.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Emergency Integrated Lifesaving Lanyard (EMILY)- Unmanned Maritime System

EMILY is an Unmanned Maritime System (UMS) that has been under development for quite some time and is used for conducting rescue missions at sea.  This UMS is deployed most typically from a ship or rescue helicopter and acts as a type of buoy that can be guided near individuals requiring assistance in the water.  This pseudo-lifeguard is known as EMILY, for the Emergency Integrated Lifesaving Lanyard.  EMILY was designed by the Office of Naval Research in collaboration with inventor Tony Mulligan, and the Navy’s Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program.  

EMILY is a remotely controlled four foot long vehicle that weighs approximately 25 pounds.
The devices are made of Kevlar and aircraft-grade composites, are powered by a jet ski-like engine that allows them to travel up to 22 miles per hour, and come equipped with two-way radios, a video camera (exteroceptive sensor) with a live feed to smart phones and lights for night rescues (McCaney, 2016).  EMILY is tethered to a rope up to 2,000 feet long.  Designed to race through heavy surf, EMILY has proper balance for quick self-righting performance. The deep, 22 degree hull is designed to track straight during wave breaching. Highly durable, EMILY will survive impact at full speed or in surf with rocks, reef, or pilings. Use EMILY to provide flotation until a rescuer arrives, deliver life jackets, or pull a recovery rescue line up to 800 yards through strong currents and large surf (EMILY, 2015). 

There are few details regarding the proprioceptive sensors of EMILY but the plans to add additional exteroceptive sensors enhance the overall capability and functional ability of EMILY.  Next year’s model will have a doppler sonar to help it avoid high-speed collisions with unsuspecting swimmers (The Economist, 2010).  The company also plans to add acoustic exteroceptive sensors the listen for underwater movement along with a microphone and loudspeaker.  The doppler and acoustic sensors are most specific to a maritime environment. 

One disadvantage of EMILY is the inability for a incapacited swimmer to grasp on to the vehicle.  By utilizing range finding sensors and trajectory planning it might be possible to implement a retrieval system that captures a person and subsequently secures them to the remote controlled buoy.  This simple improvement, especially if able to perform robotic maneuvers sub-surface, might make a difference in saving lives.  Additional improvements can be made by utilizing an overhead Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that can use either visual, infared, or LIDAR technology to locate struggling swimmers and map a recovery mission profile that can then be sent directly to EMILY in order to help it find and rescue more efficiently.  By utilizing a UAV the on-scene commander can maintain an “eye in the sky” that can best direct the recovery actions of one or numerous EMILYs. 

It is not always feasible to launch a manned platform into extremely dangerous seas.  By utilizing a vehicle such as EMILY the mission does not needlessly endanger additional lives when attempting to bring others to safety.  Additionally, in diverse cultures, a rescue swimmer can sometimes be attacked by a group or single individuals as they panic in fear of drowning.  An unmanned buoy allows a safe way of recovering individuals quickly and efficiently while minimizing undo risk to operators. 
Unmanned sensors rely on distance and range finding to best maneuver.  The software and processes involved make a multitude of minor changes and updates during the operation.  A manned platform relies on experience and visual cues with some exterior sensor interaction.  The difference is a manned platform operator must understand and process the information from the sensors, and then decide to react or ignore the inputs.  An unmanned platform has the process built into its programming to automatically perform based on the information being received from those sensors. 

EMILY is a simple UMS that can be used to rescue people that are having difficulty in water.  Its high speed and sensor suite make it an excellent tool to be used on most maritime ships.  Additionally, it is feasible to imagine a time when EMILY will be a regular resource at a beach.  With additional sensor improvements it is possible that EMILY can perform surveillance for deadly predators lurking in the waters near beaches.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Gorgon Stare

One of the key components of an unmanned aerial system (UAS) is the ability to collect either still pictures or full motion video.  Utilizing exteroceptive sensors, the UAS is capable of performing persistent reconnaissance missions as part of its tactical presence.  Numerous vehicles have been designed with this purpose but most early designs were inherently flawed in that their cameras had a “soda straw” type of view.  This limitation prevented the operators from being able to focus on more than one target a time and it was situationally draining while surveying the battlefield prior to weapons engagement.  The MQ-9 Reaper was the first vehicle to implement a new technology known as Gorgon Stare that was initially able to scan a total area of 4 kilometers (Increment 1).  This wide angle view enabled live viewing in a few various tiers in order to have a wide scope view and a narrowed high detailed view.  Additionally, videos and images can be stored for up 30 days so a detailed study of patterns of life or after-action analysis can be performed.
The service’s secretive Big Safari shop that specializes in development of urgently-needed warfighting tools gave a contract to closely-held Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) to integrate what came to be known as Gorgon Stare (Thompson, 2015).  This exteroceptive sensor transformed the way in which collections could be made in the battlefield.  The prototype emerging from this partnership consisted of two pods that could be mounted on the Reaper — one containing wide field-of-view cameras, the other digital processors and datalinks that enabled quick transmission of actionable intelligence to operations centers and troops in the field (Thompson, 2015).  The design evolved to a more capable sensor with Increment 2 which could now cover up to 64 square kilometers in addition to a much more effective resolution.  Warfighters still can extract the local details of greatest interest during an operation and backtrack later using high-res archives to analyze what happened, but now they can surveil much greater spaces with enhanced fidelity (Thompson, 2015).  The exteroceptive sensors on Gorgon Stare Increment 2 utilize electro-optical (daylight) and IR arrays to ascertain images during a 24 hour operating period. 
Gorgon Stare was designed with a modular open architecture so it can be easily incorporated into new technology.  This particular sensor is highly effective as a tool for the MQ-9 Reaper UAS as it performs its dedicated mission of hunter-killer reconnaissance.  

Thompson, L. (2015, April).  Air Force's Secret "Gorgon Stare" Program Leaves Terrorists Nowhere To Hide; Forbes.  Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/lorenthompson/2015/04/10/air-forces-secret-gorgon-stare-program-leaves-terrorists-nowhere-to-hide/#bb7727652716